

A tribute .. The Barber

The Barber. Digital, 2013

After months of CG work, sketching and a very huge inspiration lack ( or should I say, this kind of emotionnaly-procrastinating- art block stuff ) , it seems  life events, and  especially the wonderful exhibition of Devin Crane's work at Gallery Arludik in Paris, brought back my will, inspiration . The flame is back !

So as a tribute to the wonderful fashion-meets-cartoon art of the talented Mr Crane, here is one of two pictures I've been working on, as my own take on sexy cartoon fashion-inspired artwork, and as some kind of tribute. Thanks for bringing back the passion ! 

Btw if you're in Paris, go check that exhibition before it's over . Sutnning paintings, sketches , and especially that HUGE wonderful painting of his ;

This piece just blow my mind . Litteraly. Go check it out at Gallery Arludik